Choose the Right Cycling Gear

What’s the difference between cycling equipment and cycling gear? The answer is the level of experience of the cyclist. “Equipment” is a term used for the more basic types of items that cyclists need, but the term “gear” reflects a personalized approach to the necessary things a rider wants around. While cycling gear will reflect some personal preferences, there will always be some standard items that every cyclist agrees is useful.

Cycling Gear for the Best Experience

The cycling gear you choose should benefit you without holding you back. You might find yourself changing the type of cycling gear you need as your experience level increases. But whether you are a beginner or a seasoned cyclist, there are certain types of things that should make up your gear.


Of course, your bike is at the top of the list. While that may seem incredibly obvious, there is an important consideration about selecting the right bike. Certain features on their bikes are chosen by manufacturers put to reflect the skill of their riders. Matching the right bike to your level of cycling experience is an important decision.


The next group of items that should make up every cyclist’s gear involves clothing. Starting with the top of your head, you will need a quality helmet. A poor fit increases your risks of getting seriously injured so make sure the helmet fits you properly. What you wear depends on whether you are riding for sport or on a more competitive scale. The average cyclist will be comfortable with cycling shorts and tops, while the more advanced riders need cycling skinsuits to decrease drag and improve their speed.


Sunglasses or protective eyewear is next on the list. Since your eyes are so important, don’t cut yourself short in this area. Covering your eyes protects you from the sun’s blinding glare as well as those unexpected bits of debris that fly through the air.

Cycling gloves are a must for comfort as well as safety. Your hands need special attention, regardless of the season. They are always right out in front, on the handlebars, and are being exposed to cold, wind, rain or the rays of the sun. And if you should ever go down, your hands are usually first to make contact. Also, don’t forget to include the right kind of socks and sports shoes with your cycling gear.

The “health” of your bicycle should also be a factor in choosing cycling gear. Make up a small tool kit that includes a bicycle pump. A puncture repair kit with patches is also an excellent item to take along.

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Cycling Equipment: Much More than the Bike

Are you considering taking up cycling as a sport? It’s an active and enjoyable way to spend your time and it’s getting more popular every day. Before starting off, here’s a quick checklist of some of the necessary cycling equipment you will need.

It Starts With a Bike

Of course, the bike is the most important piece of cycling equipment you will need, so we’ll begin with that. There are many types to choose from, all with special features for the various skill levels of the riders. If you’re a beginner, a good suggestion is to stay away from the highest priced models. These usually have features that may not be fully used by a novice, but are better appreciated by the more professional rider.

It’s also a good idea to stay away from the lowest priced models because a lack of some important features will be discouraging. They also rarely last as long. Most serious cyclists choose a road bicycle with the drop-style handlebars. This encourages the rider to sit in a more aerodynamic position. Some of these bikes may have up to 30 gears. Once again, a beginner may not need all of those gears, but don’t settle for the basic minimum either.

Important Cycling Equipment

The next piece of cycling equipment you should choose is a helmet. This is vital for safety and you should buy the best one you can afford. The helmet should fit snugly on your head, but not be uncomfortable or block your vision in any way. Try the helmet on to make sure there is a two-finger span between your eyebrows and the helmet. This is important because the helmet is also supposed to protect your forehead. A serious injury can often be prevented with a helmet that fits right.

Protective eyewear is recommended as part of every cyclist’s standard equipment. This will guard the eyes from flying debris or the rays of the sun. Buy a pair of good quality cycling gloves for your equipment bag. Since the hands are out front on the handlebars, they are vulnerable to weather conditions and also the stress or uncertainty of road conditions. Gloves protect the hands and offers warmth and comfort. Most cyclists pack a small tool kit to take on longer rides and in case of emergency. The equipment cyclists take with them always includes a bicycle pump and some first-aid items.

While this is only a quick overview of the cycling equipment you may need, as you become more involved in this sport, you will be better able to decide on other items you may want to have.

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Adventure Cycling: Concepts and Applications

The idea behind adventure cycling is to encourage people from all walks of life to use their bicycles to get around rather than relying on motorized vehicles. Individuals of any age and gender can be a part of adventure cycling. Promoting self discovery, exercise and fun through biking was the reason adventure cycling was created. Traveling places on your bicycle can be a much more exciting way of getting to know your area as well as getting to know others you may be traveling with.

Adventure Cycling Organization

There is actually an organization that focuses its efforts on promoting adventure cycling in the United States. This group helps people interested in the concept of adventure cycling by creating route maps, publishing a magazine focused on the idea and by leading group tours. Other than that, the organization also provide information regarding traveling by bike around the U.S. and also sell bicycle parts. Advocacies for the greater good of cycling are also brought up in this organization.

The route maps that are created by the adventure cycling organization make use of routes that are not heavy with traffic (both pedestrian and motor vehicle types). These scenic routes are mostly country roads and trails that are beautiful and fun to explore. Sometimes the organization itself develops the roads for tours.

Cycling Magazine

The magazine published for the benefit of those who enjoy and are interested to learn more about adventure cycling is put out about nine times in a year. The contents are mostly about the trails and routes that other cyclists have gone through as well as updates and news about cycling and other advocacies of the group. This adventure cycling magazine may also feature some products that are connected to fitness and keeping fit such as food and exercise.

Cycling Tours

The bike tours lead and offered by adventure cycling tours are certified by the group and are done in tried and tested routes. The organization also provides instruction for adventure cycling for beginners as well as leadership training for those who are interested in being a tour leader. Events concerning any form of cycling are also circulated by the organization as well as announcements regarding upcoming bike tours and excursions.

Adventure cycling can be a great adventure for those who love the outdoors. You will have little problems getting information about the organization because they are very welcoming and would love to hear from interested parties.

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A Short History of Cycling

The history of cycling is not only one of great importance, but one of great interest as well. You should be aware of the history that stands behind it and why it is considered to be such a respected sport – especially if you are engaged in the sport of cycling in some way.

A Short History

The history of cycling is one that is quite interesting. There is much more to the history of cycling than most people think. The history actually dates back to the year 1817, when Baron von Drais invented a walking machine that would help to get him around the royal gardens faster.

This machine was made up of two same size inline wheels, the front one steerable, and a mounted frame in which you were straddled. This was the first recorded bicycle and therefore one that truly marks a significant place in cycling history.

There are also cartwheels with spokes which are reported to have been used up to 4,000 years ago. The history of cycling has definitely had an immense influence on various technologies and sporting events of today, and has a very important place in the world because of this.

Cycling Today

The history of cycling is incredibly important and valuable, and has made cycling what it is today. Cycling can be a profession or just a hobby, and it offers the rider a multitude of benefits. The physical exercise alone gained from cycling is linked with increased health and well being.

Everyday biking is an effective and enjoyable form of aerobic exercise and is the type of exercise that is best at promoting good health in general. Cycling is very effective at helping with weight management, and can even help to maintain strength and coordination. If you have poor balance, cycling will get you to discover your own center of balance and become physically stronger which will help you to become more coordinated.

There are also cycling events at the Olympics, which just go to show you just how far this sport has come. By understanding about the history of this sport, you will be more aware of its importance in the world and realize that it is much more than just a fun pastime. Cycling is actually recognized as being one of the most valuable sports in the world and its history has a major part in the world’s history. It is truly an incredible sport and one that should be given the respect that it deserves.

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